The Benefits of Drinking Green and Wu Long Tea!

Sep 17, 2020

Most archeological evidence shows that tea has become consumed more than 5,000 years. While it was initially cultivated in India and China, tea is now popular around the globe. In fact, it does not take second mostly consumed drink, behind only water In the last several years, both Green Tea and Wu Long Tea have received a lot of attention. Let’s take a peek at a few of the benefits of each of these kinds of tea.

Green Tea arises from unfermented tea leaves. It has the very best concentration of polyphenols of any type of tea. Polyphenols are antioxidants that could fight oxidative injury to your cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals result from our bodies normal functions and may also are derived from the environment. Environmental causes include smoke, pollution, radiation and other toxins. When you have excess toxins within you, damage is done which results in disease and aging. Cancer, cardiovascular disease along with the physical aging process have been connected to toxins. By eating food and drink which is abundant in antioxidants, like tea, you help one’s body fight off molecular damage.

Green tea is certainly utilized in both Indian and Chinese medicine. Common uses include improving mental functioning, promoting digestion, governing the blood sugar, being a diuretic and as an astringent. It has recently became popular due to the capability to help burn calories and block the absorption of fat.

While green teas appear to be an effective diet pill, it seems that wu long tea has it edged out in that department. Oolong tea is semi-fermented, meaning it’s processed among green tea and black tea. In one study, it had been shown that men and women who consumed this tea burned twice as many calories as those that consumed teas. Wu-long tea may be especially very theraputic for those that have diabetes, as a result of its capability to minimize exactly how carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar. In a study reported in Diabetes Care, it was shown that individuals with type two diabetes could actually reduce their blood glucose levels by simply consuming Wu Long tea.

Like green tea, wu long tea is full of toxin fighting antioxidants. It seems that wu long tea could possibly be particularly effective for folks with skin problems. One study demonstrated that after drinking wu long tea for just one month, skin problems began to clear up.

Green Tea Powder

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