Why Green Tea is Useful

Sep 5, 2020

With the cold temperatures coming, our immunity is specially in need of vitamins and microelements. With them it can be stronger. So in the winter months it can be safer to drink green tea extract: it’s got more nutrients. Here you can find vitamins C, F, B, C, PP, and also fluorine, zinc, iodine, copper and manganese.

Green tea has strong antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. It is employed in disbacteriosis, flu and food poisoning. Because vitamin C and tea catechins it can be a powerful antioxidant with an effective weapon against cancer. Vitamin P maintains and increases the elasticity of veins, strengthens their walls. Green tea is an excellent method of preventing atherosclerosis, heart problems, cerebral vessels, lowers blood pressure level.

It contains iodine, for this reason this drink has beneficial effects for the work from the endocrine system. Green tea is recommended to drink for those who have enlarged hypothyroid.

Fluoride strengthens teeth and gums. For prevention of dental caries it can be recommended to periodically rinse tooth with freshly brewed tea. For people who strive in the computer, tea is also useful: it’s belief that the eastern drink protects the body from harmful radiation. Green tea is frequently used being a tool for losing weight because it increases metabolism and increases the removal of fat from your body. In addition, it is a way of derivation of salts of heavy metals and also other slags.
Drink green tea herb without milk and sugar, but those who canrrrt do without sweet, give a little honey. Tea is better to drink freshly brewed, one brew can be used only twice. Repeated brewing loses 1 / 2 of vitamins and trace elements.

Recommended daily intake is two-four cups of excellent tea. Green tea extract is found in cosmetics for the capability to maintain youth and sweetness of skin, improve complexion and slow getting older. It is a popular part of many creams, scrubs, tonics, masks and shampoos.

Green Tea Powder

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